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All Retreats

Title Start Date Venue
Dec 10, 2022 Daylong Online Retreat with Gil Fronsdal 2022.12.10 Insight Retreat Center
Online Webcast with Gil/Kim/Ying/Shelley - November 27 2022 2022.11.27 Insight Retreat Center
Online Webcast via Zoom Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal, DaRa Williams, online support by Bruni Dávila 2022.11.13 Insight Retreat Center
Daylong Online Retreat with Ines Freedman 2022.11.12 Insight Retreat Center
Insight retreat with Matthew Brensilver and Max Erdstein 2022.11.03 Insight Retreat Center
Webcast Insight retreat with Gil Fronsdal, Matthew Brensilver, Ying Chen (online support) 2022.10.23 Insight Retreat Center
Stepping Out of Our Lives So We Can Bring the Dharma into Our Lives with Diana Clark & Brian LeSage 2022.10.09 Insight Retreat Center
Webcast Insight Retreat for Experienced Students 2022.09.11 Insight Retreat Center
Insight Retreat in Spanish 2022.08.17 Insight Retreat Center
Mindfulness of Mind Experienced Students Retreat 2022.07.23 Insight Retreat Center
LBGTQIA+ Insight Retreat with bruni dávila and Liên Shutt 2022.07.10 Insight Retreat Center
Daylong Online Retreat 7/9/22: Dharmic Pleasure and Karmic Beauty with Gil Fronsdal 2022.07.09 Insight Retreat Center
Online Insight Retreat 6/18/22 with Matthew Brensilver and Ines Freedman 2022.06.18 Insight Retreat Center
Webcast Insight Retreat 6/5 to 6/12 Gil/Diana/Liz 2022.06.05 Insight Retreat Center
Insight Retreat with Max Erdstein and Ines Freedman 2022.05.26 Insight Retreat Center
Online Insight Retreat with Experienced Practitioners, with Andrea Fella & Gil Fronsdal 2022.05.08 Insight Retreat Center
Awareness and Wisdom, with Andrea Fella & Neesha Patel 2022.04.23 Insight Retreat Center
Online Insight Retreat Ines Freedman and Gulwinder Singh, with Teacher Trainee Liz Powell 4.17.22 to 4.21.22 2022.04.17 Insight Retreat Center
March 20-27, 2022: Gil Fronsdal & Max Erdstein for people in their 20s and 30s 2022.03.20 Insight Retreat Center
Online Webcast Insight Retreat 2022.02.27 Insight Retreat Center
Online Metta Retreat 2022.02.13 Insight Retreat Center
Satipatthana Sutta Insight Retreat 2022.01.23 Insight Retreat Center
Online Insight Santa Cruz Retreat 2021.12.13 Insight Retreat Center
Online Insight Retreat 2021.12.09 Insight Retreat Center
Online Webcast Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal and Andrea Fella, and online Practice Discussions with Ines Freedman 2021.11.28 Insight Retreat Center
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