Related Talks
Practicing Kindness

Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Wise Effort and Love | Andrea Fella | 2012.07.17 | 54:53 | 54:53 2012.07.17 |
Metta Practice Continued: Working with a Difficult Person | Andrea Fella | 2020.02.25 | 44:43 | 44:43 2020.02.25 |
Kind Attention and Concentration | Andrea Fella | 2013.08.08 | 54:27 | 54:27 2013.08.08 |
Paramis: Loving Kindness (9 of 10) | Andrea Fella | 2009.08.06 | 58:26 | 58:26 2009.08.06 |
Metta Practice Continued | Andrea Fella | 2020.02.04 | 46:19 | 46:19 2020.02.04 |
Exploring Helpful Emotions | Andrea Fella | 2010.05.18 | 59:21 | 59:21 2010.05.18 |
Joy and Heartbreak | Andrea Fella | 2020.12.17 | 27:53 | 27:53 2020.12.17 |
Qualities of Friendship | Andrea Fella | 2011.04.14 | 51:27 | 51:27 2011.04.14 |
Exploring Wise Effort | Andrea Fella | 2014.05.29 | 54:56 | 54:56 2014.05.29 |
Suffering and Compassion | Andrea Fella | 2010.09.09 | 52:13 | 52:13 2010.09.09 |
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Intro to Metta Week 4 | Dawn Neal | 2013.08.07 | 1:17:36 | 1:17:36 2013.08.07 |
Metta and Working with Difficulties | Diana Clark | 2017.10.18 | 1:02:05 | 1:02:05 2017.10.18 |
Brahmavihara Class 4: Equanimity | Diana Clark | 2019.04.17 | 1:31:15 | 1:31:15 2019.04.17 |
Emotions: Loving Kindness (Part 2) | Gil Fronsdal | 2009.07.13 | 39:30 | 39:30 2009.07.13 |
Sympathetic Joy (Brahma Viharas) | Gil Fronsdal | 2001.11.15 | 56:30 | 56:30 2001.11.15 |
Metta as a Quality of Character | Kim Allen | 2016.02.09 | 43:31 | 43:31 2016.02.09 |
Mudita Karuna Metta | Maria Straatmann | 2005.12.15 | 56:56 | 56:56 2005.12.15 |
Breathing With Metta | Robert Cusick | 2013.09.24 | 59:06 | 59:06 2013.09.24 |
Ill-will and the Brahmaviharas | Robert Cusick | 2019.07.30 | 54:33 | 54:33 2019.07.30 |
Metta Practice Retreat-Part 4 | Sharon Salzberg | 2002.11.02 | 44:05 | 44:05 2002.11.02 |
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Metta - Q&A after guided meditation | Andrea Fella | 2012.07.31 | 11:18 | 11:18 2012.07.31 |
Guided Metta Meditation: Difficult Person | Andrea Fella | 2020.02.25 | 42:40 | 42:40 2020.02.25 |
Guided Meditation on Forgiveness and Loving Kindness | Andrea Fella | 2012.09.18 | 34:42 | 34:42 2012.09.18 |
Metta - guided meditation | Andrea Fella | 2012.07.31 | 21:57 | 21:57 2012.07.31 |
Guided Meditation: Radiating Metta | Andrea Fella | 2013.08.10 | 29:39 | 29:39 2013.08.10 |
Guided Reflection on Struggle | Andrea Fella | 2011.08.24 | 18:40 | 18:40 2011.08.24 |
Receptive Awareness Instructions | Andrea Fella | 2017.06.10 | 46:21 | 46:21 2017.06.10 |
Feeling and Emotion Instructions | Andrea Fella | 2013.08.02 | 30:35 | 30:35 2013.08.02 |
Morning Instructions Day 5 Continued: Attention | Andrea Fella | 2014.04.10 | 08:50 | 08:50 2014.04.10 |