Related Talks
The Wisdom of Stories

Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
The Wisdom of Stories | Berget Jelane | 2013.03.21 | 52:28 | 52:28 2013.03.21 |
Parallel Teachings of The Buddha and Jesus | Berget Jelane | 2017.12.24 | 43:47 | 43:47 2017.12.24 |
The Story of Yasodharā | Berget Jelane | 2012.05.15 | 57:33 | 57:33 2012.05.15 |
The Buddhist Christmas Carol | Berget Jelane | 2014.12.24 | 14:22 | 14:22 2014.12.24 |
Appreciation-Gratitude | Berget Jelane | 2019.11.26 | 55:04 | 55:04 2019.11.26 |
The Worm and its Lovely Pile of Dung | Berget Jelane | 2013.09.25 | 17:22 | 17:22 2013.09.25 |
Mindfully Facing Climate Change | Berget Jelane | 2020.01.16 | 57:37 | 57:37 2020.01.16 |
Dharmette | Berget Jelane | 2016.07.27 | 19:19 | 19:19 2016.07.27 |
Little Things | Berget Jelane | 2015.07.29 | 13:46 | 13:46 2015.07.29 |
Spiritual Warrior | Berget Jelane | 2014.08.26 | 59:08 | 59:08 2014.08.26 |
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Not One Not Two | Angie Boissevain | 2006.10.05 | 30:52 | 30:52 2006.10.05 |
Knowledge | Angie Boissevain | 2003.04.20 | 43:50 | 43:50 2003.04.20 |
Difficult Conversations | Daniel Bowling | 2008.03.06 | 54:17 | 54:17 2008.03.06 |
Holding the Dhamma | Dhammaruwan | 2014.07.07 | 59:41 | 59:41 2014.07.07 |
The Spiritual Journey | Donald Rothberg | 2012.07.01 | 44:48 | 44:48 2012.07.01 |
A Monastery Within - A Book Reading | Gil Fronsdal | 2011.01.05 | 52:56 | 52:56 2011.01.05 |
Discerning Our Stories | Gil Fronsdal | 2009.04.12 | 48:13 | 48:13 2009.04.12 |
The Story of Nanda | Jaku Kinst | 2007.02.25 | 40:12 | 40:12 2007.02.25 |
Spiritual Friends | Misha Merrill | 2003.09.28 | 40:41 | 40:41 2003.09.28 |
Koans | Tony Patchell | 2004.09.20 | 37:48 | 37:48 2004.09.20 |
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |