Related Talks
Moon and Flowers

Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Impermanence (Anicca) | bruni dávila | 2021.11.18 | 50:14 | 50:14 2021.11.18 |
Retreat Practice | bruni dávila | 2017.12.14 | 41:24 | 41:24 2017.12.14 |
Step By Step | bruni dávila | 2016.07.21 | 33:51 | 33:51 2016.07.21 |
Way Seeking Talk | bruni dávila | 2015.01.08 | 45:55 | 45:55 2015.01.08 |
Not self (Anatta) | bruni dávila | 2021.11.20 | 53:25 | 53:25 2021.11.20 |
Recommitting to Your Practice | bruni dávila | 2017.06.05 | 29:50 | 29:50 2017.06.05 |
Refuge in the Dharma | bruni dávila | 2021.11.16 | 41:56 | 41:56 2021.11.16 |
Reflections on Love | bruni dávila | 2016.02.18 | 44:06 | 44:06 2016.02.18 |
Reflections on the Journey | bruni dávila | 2017.05.13 | 10:53 | 10:53 2017.05.13 |
Practice in Daily Life | bruni dávila | 2015.11.19 | 26:47 | 26:47 2015.11.19 |
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Winter Solstice | Berget Jelane | 2017.12.21 | 49:26 | 49:26 2017.12.21 |
Moon in a Dewdrop | Brian Lesage | 2017.09.07 | 45:42 | 45:42 2017.09.07 |
Senior Sangha August Meeting with David and Fiona on Impermanence | <multiple> | 2020.08.27 | 1:31:51 | 1:31:51 2020.08.27 |
Poetry of Practice II (1 of 5) - Disgorged | Diana Clark | 2023.10.16 | 13:51 | 13:51 2023.10.16 |
Our Precious Life | Jennifer Block | 2012.10.25 | 44:05 | 44:05 2012.10.25 |
Living More Fully in the Present | Lee Lipp | 2008.12.28 | 35:47 | 35:47 2008.12.28 |
Non-doing, Emptiness, the Sacred | Max Erdstein | 2017.06.06 | 48:43 | 48:43 2017.06.06 |
Savoring Winter Light | Max Erdstein | 2018.12.11 | 55:16 | 55:16 2018.12.11 |
This Path Towards Freedom: Miracle of Each Moment | Meg Gawler | 2015.12.28 | 45:46 | 45:46 2015.12.28 |
Practice With Possibility | Robert Thomas | 2014.06.22 | 45:19 | 45:19 2014.06.22 |
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Saturday Instruction and walking meditation | bruni dávila | 2023.09.02 | 1:19:12 | 1:19:12 2023.09.02 |
Guided Meditation - Practice with the Brahmaviharas | bruni dávila | 2024.02.03 | 39:47 | 39:47 2024.02.03 |
Happy Hour: Guided Meditation on Sympathetic Joy | bruni dávila | 2018.06.06 | 55:10 | 55:10 2018.06.06 |
A day of rest dharmette and walking instructions | bruni dávila | 2024.02.03 | 27:30 | 27:30 2024.02.03 |