Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Guided Meditation: Now | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.08.16 | 32:40 | 32:40 2021.08.16 |
Dharmette: Faith (1 of 5) What Calms and Clears the Heart | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.08.16 | 11:36 | 11:36 2021.08.16 |
Guided Meditation: Here | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.08.17 | 31:46 | 31:46 2021.08.17 |
Dharmette: Faith (2 of 5) Trust and Safety | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.08.17 | 12:53 | 12:53 2021.08.17 |
Guided Meditation:Yes | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.08.18 | 31:09 | 31:09 2021.08.18 |
Dharmette: Faith (3 of 5) Faith as Love | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.08.18 | 12:05 | 12:05 2021.08.18 |
Guided Meditation: Yes | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.08.19 | 31:56 | 31:56 2021.08.19 |
Dharmette: Faith (4 of 5) Confidence in Non-Clinging | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.08.19 | 14:09 | 14:09 2021.08.19 |
Guided Meditation: Care | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.08.20 | 30:32 | 30:32 2021.08.20 |
Dharmette: Faith (5 of 5) Service | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.08.20 | 08:02 | 08:02 2021.08.20 |
Appears in Series:
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
7am Sit & Dharmette | <multiple> | 2020.03.16 | 698:59:00 | 698:59:00 2020.03.16 |