Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Guided Mediation: Nature | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.04.12 | 31:38 | 31:38 2021.04.12 |
Dharmette: Refuge (1 of 5) Introduction | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.04.12 | 15:01 | 15:01 2021.04.12 |
Dharmette: Refuge (2 of 5) Refuge in Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.04.13 | 15:12 | 15:12 2021.04.13 |
Guided Meditation: With Assurance | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.04.14 | 30:23 | 30:23 2021.04.14 |
Dharmette: Refuge (3 of 5) Refuge in Self | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.04.14 | 13:32 | 13:32 2021.04.14 |
Guided Meditation: Allowing What Is | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.04.15 | 31:48 | 31:48 2021.04.15 |
Dharmette: Refuge (4 of 5) Actions as Refuge | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.04.15 | 13:47 | 13:47 2021.04.15 |
Guided Meditation: Letting Go and Letting Be | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.04.16 | 32:43 | 32:43 2021.04.16 |
Dharmette: Refuge (5 of 5) Refuge in Freedom | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.04.16 | 13:01 | 13:01 2021.04.16 |
Appears in Series:
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
7am Sit & Dharmette | <multiple> | 2020.03.16 | 746:39:01 | 746:39:01 2020.03.16 |