Ajahn Thanasanti

Ajahn Thanasanti

Ajahn Thanasanti was born in California. She was first introduced to insight meditation in 1979 by Jack Engler. After working as an analytical chemist for a few years, in 1987 she went on pilgrimage to India, Nepal and Thailand. She entered Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in 1989 receiving ordination in 1991, and trained with Ajahn Sumedho. She spent a few years traveling as an alms mendicant without a fixed abode.Ajahn Thanasanti has been teaching intensive meditation retreats internationally for many years. Her interest is integrating insight into the full human condition and using nature as a support in the practice. Currently she is resident at Chithurst Buddhist Monastery in the new Rocana Vihara.

Ajahn Thanasanti was born in California. She was first introduced to insight meditation in 1979 by Jack Engler. After working as an analytical chemist for a few years, in 1987 she went on...Read more

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