Michael Bennett

Michael (or Mick) Bennett is a retired psychotherapist who has been actively involved in IMC activities since 2002, having served on IMC's Board of Directors and as its Residential Retreat Coordinator for four years. Mick also is a graduate of the Sati Center Chaplaincy Program, and he serves on IMC's Chaplaincy Council. Mick has also worked with the Zen Hospice Project for the last six years, and since 2006 he has been facilitating IMC's support group for persons with life-threatening illnesses. Earlier this year he also began facilitating IMC's support group for persons with chronic health challenges.

Michael (or Mick) Bennett is a retired psychotherapist who has been actively involved in IMC activities since 2002, having served on IMC's Board of Directors and as its Residential Retreat...Read more

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